Stamford CT Tea Party: March 28, 2009

Stamford Tea Party 3/28/09

Stamford Tea Party 3/28/09

Sunday’s Hartford Courant reported in some depth about the growing Tea Party movment that is providing a medium for fed-up citizens to voice their anger at the tyrranical power grab orchestrated from Washington by the Obama gang.

Critics dismiss the phenomenon as little more than a sharply partisan attack on President Barack Obama and the Democrats. But the protesters say their cause represents something bigger: a collective yell of “I’m not going to take it anymore” from the American taxpayer.

The movement takes its name, and much of its imagery, from American history. Participants — including home-schooling moms, Libertarians and Rush Limbaugh Republicans — compare themselves to the 18th century patriots who dumped tea into Boston Harbor to protest taxation without representation.

In Chicago, the protesters included a man with a bullhorn who was dressed as Samuel Adams. In Sacramento, some in the crowd carried signs that read “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.” And in St. Louis, an estimated 1,000 people stood on the steps of the Gateway Arch and tossed loose tea into the muddy waters of the Mississippi River.

Saturday’s Tea Party in Stamford was a huge success by all accounts; approximately 150 people with signs and costumes attended. Here’s video:

Here is the contributor’s description of the video and the event:

Starting about 9:30 AM EDT a highly motivated contingent of a modern-day legion of the Son’s Of Liberty assembled in downtown Stamford, CT. Their agenda was to make noise. A noise loud enough to be heard in Washington DC.

Perhaps 150 brave citizens can’t shout that loud, but this morning they were heard in Fairfield County.
Unified chants of “It’s Not Your Money” and “Dump Dodd” echoed across the intersection……………Broad Street, Atlantic and Bedford Streets.

The TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party phenomenon is just beginning. April 15 may unleash over a thousand (1000) nation-wide. Small towns in Connecticut are getting involved……

Many similar events are scheduled for April 15 (Tax Day) so stay tuned!

Frank Short Photos

Frank Short Photos

Some other resources for news and information about the Tea Party actions:

Radio Vice Online

Thomas Paine Video

Zapem Politics Portal

Glenn Beck Show

Frank Short Photos
Connecticut Tax Day Tea Party News

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2 Responses to “Stamford CT Tea Party: March 28, 2009”

  1. richard Says:

    Tea Party gear can be found at

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